About Me

Welcome to Sugar & Shots, a food & drink blog from Ireland!

aisling wallisAbout Sugar & Shots

Founded in 2016, Sugar & Shots is a blog all about learning to cook, recipes, where to eat in Ireland and enticing food photography! 

About Aisling 

Aisling is the creator of Sugar & Shots. After six years of writing her successful beauty + lifestyle blog she thought it was time to separate the food and makeup posts, thus sugar & shots was born!
American born, but grew up in the green fields of Ireland, Aisling has always had a real love of food. She would try anything that was put in front of her – including trying frogs legs for the first time at age 10.
Food is something that makes me happy! I love cooking, baking & creating! Recently I was gifted a beautiful little bar cart for my new home and thought it was time I taught myself how to create a tasty cocktail at home! Sugar & Shots is my space to share my learning experience with you and teach you everything I know along the way!

Although it wasn’t always a love affair. When she hit a rough patch at age 14, Aisling suffered from an eating disorder (something she really never thought could happen to her) and really made it difficult to love food. These past few years have been all about learning to love food again & learning to love yourself. One of Aisling’s hopes for sugar & shots is not only to share amazing recipes but also to be open, share her story and help others who are going through the same thing she did!